Put Those Business Cards Back in Your Wallet — Here’s How You Should Approach Every Networking Event
We’ve all been to the networking event where you do the business card handoff dance over and over…and over. The thing is, we don’t do that dance because it’s effective, but rather, because it’s easy.
So, as we gear up for Circular Summit (March 1–2, 2018), let’s make a commitment to each other: we will leave the shallow end and make the most out of our time at events. Let’s form deeper connections and expand our circle of fierce mentors, partners and friends. Here’s how we can do it:
Be Open
This year, arrive at Circular Summit and other events with your expectations at a minimum. Expectations can close our mind to opportunities for learning, dreaming and relationship building. You never know who you will meet, how you can collaborate with each other or what new adventures you may encounter.

Give and Ye Shall Receive
You know the saying, “if you put good energy out into the world, it’ll return to you tenfold?” The same holds true for networking. We’re all in this entrepreneurship thing together, and the more we can support each other, the higher we’ll all rise.
At Circular Summit, you’ll find a “Giving Tree,” where you can ask for advice and offer help. Take advantage of the opportunity to be of service to your circle and solve your own challenges, at the same time.

Ride the Elevator (Pitch)
Hone your pitch (30 seconds, 5 minutes and longer) before you get to Circular Summit, because there will be chances around every corner to tell your story.
At past events, attendees have walked away with stories in major media outlets, like Entrepreneur and Inc., investor commitments, corporate partnerships and prizes galore.
Practice in front of the mirror, your grandma and the dog. And then practice some more to make sure that your messages and calls to action are crystal clear.

Connect the Dots
The upcoming two days of Circular Summit are just the cracked door; you have to walk through that door and down the road to achieve your goals. Follow up with the people you meet at the conference and keep following up. Schedule monthly or quarterly check-in calls to continue to support each other.
Ask Hello Alice your burning questions and request introductions to other users you find on the site. March 1–2 are just the beginning of your best year yet.